SunForce - Aloe Silver Gel
Contains no artificial ingredients, preservatives or additives.
Aloe Silver Gel is a topical salve for soothing and healing the skin and providing relief from minor burns (including sunburns) and skin irritations (including acne and eczema).
Product Notes:
We all get nicks, scrapes, burns, and other afflictions to our skin sometimes, but have you ever found yourself rooting around for an old tube of ointment only to find it's become all dried out or expired?
Made from 99.999% Pure Silver (colloidal silver can kill germs), deionized water, and a gel from Aloe vera leaves, it is extremely stable: it won't react to salt, protein, sunlight, plastic or heat, and it doesn't expire.
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SunForce - Aloe Silver Gel
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