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Our new reformulated Boréal canned cat foods have 95% of the protein from Meat/Fish and are designed to have almost no carbohydrates or starches. Our goal is to lower your pets risk of unwanted weight gain. Our Canadian-made line is gum free and gluten free. Our Pork and Trout cat food is made from Canadian pork and trout. No cereals, grains, artificial colour, gums or thickeners added. We add Availa-Pet as it is the most easily absorbed and utilized trace mineral product available. It is specially formulated for companion animals and is more ‘bio-available’ than other form of zinc, iron and manganese. Zinc and manganese are important for skin health and coat quality. This includes better hair coat length and shine, and enhanced skin integrity and wound healing. Zinc, manganese and iron all contribute to the growth and development of pets including weight gain in kittens, bone development and joint maintenance and repair.
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Free Pet Nutrition Consultation
Need to know more About your Pet's Diet ?
We at "Bright Eyes & Bushy Tails" have a team if certified Pet Nutritionists, who cam examine the Diet and eating habits of your Pet carefully and work on the Nutrition Plan for FREE.