Specialty pet retailer of services and solutions for pets 😻

The love we get from our pets is like nothing else on Earth. Sometimes it feels like there’s no way we could ever do enough to give it back.

Delivering comprehensive wellness solutions through our products and services, and creating communities that deepen the pet-pet parent bond.

That is on the grounds that we don’t simply convey your pet sustenance, we become more acquainted with you and your little pets, so we can assist you with keeping them upbeat from make a beeline for tail.

So we give back — by partnering with local animal shelters, and donating a portion of our proceeds to help with their rescue efforts. And by giving shelters lots of food — to help keep their doggos healthy.

Free same-day Local delivery. FREE DELIVERY - no code needed, just head for checkout! and choose Local Delivery Option

Repeat delivery with 5% OFF every Food orders

We provide a lot of services

Pet's Pedicure

Our specialisits helps you to provide the best Nail Trimming Services to your Pets.

Free Nutrition Consultations

Our Certified team of Pet Nutritionists, works their best on providing thr best service to examine and analyze the Pet's diet and recommending what's best according to your pet's needs.

Discounts at Bright Eyes

At Bright Eyes, we we believe in giving back to the community in the form of discounts. to know more about the discounts offered please visit About us page.

We'll save you half your pet supplies and take care of the delivery

Get in touch


Rubal Sharma

Tel: (613) 831-4956


Rupali Sharma

Tel: (613) 735-8268


Vikas Sharma

Tel: (613) 735-8268


Rubal Sharma

Tel: (613) 831-4956